Manifest #01: 2024 GOALS + Income Streams for Creatives

Happy New Year ๐ŸŽ‰

Hello friends -

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a restful and rejuvenating holiday season with your loved ones. We made it to 2024! ๐Ÿฅณ It has been a few weeks since my last "weekly" newsletter after some hiccups in my personal life at the end of the year. Happy to report that the issue has been put to rest, and we are ready to roll into 2024 with green status indicators! ๐Ÿšฆ๐ŸŽ๏ธ

For this issue, I want to focus on GOALS. This time of year, we tend to call them "resolutions", but in my opinion, those tend to just be vague goals with no success criteria or implementation strategy - the classic "This year, I'm going to _______." This past year, one of my resolutions was "I'm going to make money outside my 9-5 job." I made about $300 doing and selling things outside of my day job in 2023, and spent almost 10 times that in the learning process. Success, right ๐Ÿ™„? I wouldn't say so.

So I missed the mark on that poorly conceived resolution, but in this past year of trying, experimenting, and digesting content, I learned a lot and gained clarity for my next iteration of execution. For me this clarity boils down to a few tenets to frame my actions:

  1. Make money doing what I'm good at.
  2. Keep growing at what I love.
  3. Build and invest into systems that support 1 and 2.

Listed out like that, it sounds simple even to me, but I fully expect this new year will be filled with just as many twists, turns, trials, and tribulations as the last. This time around though, I have cleared up enough ambiguity in my wants and desires to actually set some tangible goals. Here are some of mine:

I was really going to list out my exact, quantified and qualified goals for 2024, but as the Algorithm would have it, I ran into this New Year's Eve IG post by a friend, Eddie of, just as I was writing this issue. The post presents some arguments suggesting that keeping the details of your goals private (or semi-private) may be more beneficial for you from a neurobiological standpoint...that is, if your aim is to fulfill your objectives. I am not educated enough on the subject to discuss in scientific detail, but broad strokes, it has to do with managing dopamine, the neurotransmitter that drives motivation and goal-directed behavior. (I will definitely learn and present more on this topic later ๐Ÿ‘€.)

If you really want to know my goals, just ask ๐Ÿ˜˜.

Anyway, I'll preclude the detailed list of my personal goals, BUT, some of the business-related ones may be relevant and useful for my peers in the creative space looking to establish sustainable income streams with their respective expertise. Many of my personal business objectives for this quarter and year were set as direct actions following the consumption and distillation of nuggets of wisdom from this FREE Masterclass by Mike Kim titled, "How to Create 9+ Income Streams from What You Already Know". It has been helpful and actionable information, so I thought I'd shared with you the notes I distilled from the watch:
โ€‹Distilled Notes: How to Create 9+ Income Streams from What You Already Know | Mike Kimโ€‹
Now, I've done some work to make it simple for my subscribers. Hope ya'll have an amazing 2024, and I hope to meet you all out on our journey to manifest higher self! Peace and Love โœŒ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘ฝ

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Alex Ting

It's 2024. I'm a full-time, fully remote code contributor at a culture-forward tech startup based in New York City. This very privileged working situation means I get to work from home while supporting my partner, a full-time graduate student, and co-parent our beagle rescue pup, Seven. Most weeks I even have space for leisure, introspection, and even some intentional growth in hobbies like boxing, calisthenics, and canine skill training. I admit this sounds super braggy...until you discover trail of inconsistent media posts and graveyard of abandoned side-projects left in my wake. I am a recovering procrastinator who has only recently consumed and actioned on a critical mass of self-help books and productivity guru content. Are you ready for some ALIEN TANG-flavored implementation of and perspective on topics re: productivity, health, tech, stoic philosophy, and creativity? If so, subscribe...and OPEN WIDE ๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ‘ฝ!

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dรฉjร  vu? Yes, this is a resend of the email broadcast from this Tuesday. Iโ€™m still learning ConvertKit (a really great platform for email) and messed up some settings on the first try. These posts are meant to be accessible to the public, and I somehow toggled that off. We also added some late-confirm subscribes. Anyway, got some fun stuff coming for next weekโ€™s Manifest ๐Ÿ‘€. Enjoy this re-run and have a great weekend! ๐Ÿ›ธ Welcome to the Manifest ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘ฝ Whatโ€™s up friendos! Itโ€™s ya boy, Alex. If...