
Alex Ting

It's 2024. I'm a full-time, fully remote code contributor at a culture-forward tech startup based in New York City. This very privileged working situation means I get to work from home while supporting my partner, a full-time graduate student, and co-parent our beagle rescue pup, Seven. Most weeks I even have space for leisure, introspection, and even some intentional growth in hobbies like boxing, calisthenics, and canine skill training. I admit this sounds super braggy...until you discover trail of inconsistent media posts and graveyard of abandoned side-projects left in my wake. I am a recovering procrastinator who has only recently consumed and actioned on a critical mass of self-help books and productivity guru content. Are you ready for some ALIEN TANG-flavored implementation of and perspective on topics re: productivity, health, tech, stoic philosophy, and creativity? If so, subscribe...and OPEN WIDE 🌭👽!

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